Prayer and Care Fellowship
The mission of the Prayer and Care Fellowship is to pray for those who have asked us to intercede on their behalf as they move through a difficult time in their lives.
The Fellowship meets once a month for a service of prayer and thanksgiving. It is at this time we lift up to God the names of those for whom we pray. We ask that He be with them to ease their pain and suffering, be it physical or emotional. As we name them individually, we light a votive candle, a symbol of our Lord’s everlasting love. The candles are left to burn as a constant reminder of our prayers and concern.
The members of the Fellowship pray for each person on our prayer list as part of their regular daily devotions. Our mission is to continue to be in contact with them until, with God’s grace, we can thank Him that our prayers have been answered. Cards are sent, telephone calls made and, where appropriate, personal visits. In this way we hope to let them know they are not alone and that we care for them.
Contact: Arthur Smith-Windsor,, 519-238-1072.
Should you require immediate pastoral care,
Contact: Rev. Jim Innes 519-280-7795